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Here is my latest podcast with Louis.  We had fun with our first interview too.  Hope you enjoy hearing more about this project!


Talking with Thomas Daede - Open Source CRT Project

In this new series I team up with CRT shaman Steve from Retro Tech and we talk about CRTs, TVs and other retro gaming topics. In this episode Steve and I talk with the creator of the ongoing "Open Source CRT" project, which aims to be able to replace the majority of parts within a CRT with modern, configurable alternatives. Follow Thomas: https://twitter.com/enginetankard In this podcast we don't spend a lot of time explaining the components end to end. Bob from RetroRGB did a great job of this part. If you have never heard of this project, we suggest you can start with Bob's interview and consider ours a "part 2" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l6mUYQhgSU The Open Source CRT is an attempt to basically replace everything but the tube from a standard CRT. As Thomas describes it, some parts will be needed: you will still need a yolk and a neckboard might make things easier but the rest he aims to replace with modern alternatvies. He believes that it is within possibility to make a device that will fit onto almost any CRT and work with some configuration. This is a great project because it replaces everything possible with modern parts and leaves basically only the parts which we can not manufacture new today: the tube. The project is really something very interesting. Like always we urge optimism and enthuasim but also caution about getting your hopes up. The project is still well in development and Thomas has a prototype but we would never want to put the pressure of expectation on anyone. Never the less, this looks SO COOL and we support Thomas in his endevour. This is the first time Steve and I have done a podcast episode with a guest and the talk is casual but we do get some very interesting insights from Thomas. https://twitter.com/louiszezeran https://twitter.com/usa_retro For all your CRT repair needs, check out Steve's channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroTechUSA Comedy Guy Podcast: https://anchor.fm/comedyguy Zez Retro Podcast: https://anchor.fm/zezretro Twitter: https://twitter.com/louiszezeran Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louiszezeran Zez Retro on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZezRetro Retro Shmups on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/louiszezeran


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