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Hey everyone.  I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your summers, or whatever season it may be where you live.  Thank you to any new Patrons that have recently joined and also thank you to the long time Patrons and supporters of this channel.  I am excited to share with you this month's exclusive shop tour video.  I have a lot to show you and to update you on.  This may be one to the busiest months ever for me at Retro Tech, and I could not be more excited to meet these challenges head on.  

Here is a link to this month's Shop Tour: https://youtu.be/ocw6FcGJq00

If you are new or need to catch up the Shop Tours, here is a Playlist link for you:  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_Hm88_bscLTDd3cwNSXsFZan8xVbJg1q

Please join us on the Private Discord group for more community fun.  We talk sales, share listings, help each other with repairs and all kinds of great things.  Please click the link here: https://discord.gg/g47GCuhacA

Thanks again and please send me a DM on Patreon or Discord if you have any questions or wish to talk about repairs and scheduling availability.

Happy June!

 - Steve


Shop Tour #4 - June 2021

Here is a tour of my shop on May 1, 2021. This is an exclusive for Patrons and Discord Members only. Thanks everyone for your support!



I feel like I'm there! *cracks open a beer*


I have Dell trinitron that looks very close to this one , this monitor is what stated my interest on buying a pvm monitor 👍🏼