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Hey everyone.  I have been planning on a new feature to incorporate to the Patreon site for even more added value.  I am excited to announce that starting this month, I will have a once-per-month conference call for Patrons of RT only.  In this call, I will have at least one other Patron with a Specific Problem that we are going to try and repair/troubleshoot over the webcam call.  

Our first call is scheduled for Tomorrow, Wednesday January 20th at 1:30 PM EST/ 12:30 CST.  Tomorrows call will be hosted on Zoom.  I will eventually move the call to something better, like Discord.  However for this week, Zoom should work out fine.  I will make a post tomorrow with a direct link and the password to join.  

Thanks again and I hope to see you there!

- Steve



Any chance you can record the session for those not able to attend ?


This is great! I've had issues with my Sony PVM 2530 so this could be what I need to get it back in shape!