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Mindwipe Castle Poll

  • Samantha 11
  • Miranda 24
  • 2024-02-25
  • 35 votes
{'title': 'Mindwipe Castle Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Samantha', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Miranda', 'votes': 24}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 25, 9, 29, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 35}


So remember way back when I wrote that Mindwipe Castle story? 

Well, a friend of mine is working on learning how to program and wants to make a visual novel out of that story as practice. This will probably mean a handful of CGs to go with it and if he ends up not able to do it, it won't actually be that hard for me to make in Stencyl once I have the dialogue script done. I've already got a functional dialogue system and the investigation/trials are pretty easy coding-wise. 

The question I have for you all though is about scripting. To avoid being overly redundant, I've narrowed it down to wanting Anne/Olivia to represent the "enslavement game" portion of the game, and then one of the villains would represent the "Real investigation" portion of the game. The issue is, both Samantha and Miranda seem good for that section but they can't really be co-protagonists the way Anne and Olivia can be.

Samantha is the first villain to lose, and so would begin the investigation first, but wouldn't be able to make a lot of progress entirely on her own. 

Miranda on the other hand has the competence needed to lead the investigation, but as she is second to lose her trial, there would be more redundance in her story than there would be in Samantha's. Additionally, her draining scene with Raven would only be able to be seen from her POV. 

Since both seem relatively good as options, I thought I'd make a poll to see which character you all would like to see taking the protagonist role on this half of the story. 


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