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Hey everyone. The Christmas Project is now complete! Oddly enough, I completed it faster than I was able to post the high res art from it since I generally avoid posting multiple paid posts per day, so I'll have a few more art posts after this.I think no more need to use a spoiler cover image though, as the project is now fully revealed.

The project is a Vampire Survivors type game, with a hypnotic spin, and includes a selection of Spiral Clicker characters from the poll I did a while ago; Helen, Queen, Luna, Raven, Misty, and Jean. Each of them has a 5 part story and a victory CG unique to them.

So yeah... This one got to be a bit bigger as a holiday project than usual. xD Hopefully you all enjoy it though.

You can download it now here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v5204c5gim7l801bvat2m/Spiral-Clicker-Christmas-Survivors.rar?rlkey=lodw9apji96yejrtwikn1087m&dl=1

APK version is now functional here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/savekwdpaz50ilnj7ytgi/Christmas-Survivors.apk?rlkey=f61rnrnr18o9dj0ag42te8t18&dl=1



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