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So, I know that a fair number of people prefer my art over Roku's for the avatars; my art is worse but apparently more expressive, but as the higher quality splash screens by Caveman, Vancroz, and Hilent are starting to catch up with, and may soon pass my existing artwork I am starting to wonder if it is be feasible/possible to attempt to keep up with three artists for parallel art updates. 

At this point, I can think of two possible things I could do, and would like your input on it so that you guys will be happy with how the game ends up. 

A: I could continue as I have been, making parallel art in my style. I will most likely fall behind (Natural result of one artist vs three), so I will probably spend a while after the completion of the game continuing to add drawings to it until I've caught up. 

B: I could redraw new versions of my avatars with outfits matching the new artwork. The new artwork would then replace my art in the splash screens, and I would focus my art time more on requests and art for Mind Conquest. 

These are the main options I am able to think of, at least. If you have any ideas that go into the middle grounds of that, feel free to comment with those as well. Ultimately, I am wanting to make sure that I am doing what you guys enjoy. So, be sure to vote for whichever option you would prefer. Either way, I will continue spending most of my time making stuff for the game and trying to make it be the best I can make it.



i like the game so far, it has been well done, and i like the choice/outcome system


Thanks, I've been trying my best to make most of the choices meaningful and impactful.


Hmm. I don't actually mind either option. But I think B wins marginally.


a third option that could be considered would be to do the whole cell/screen/layer thing where you take their artwork and make backgrounds and/or overlays to alter their appearance. this would require you to focus on blending your artwork to theirs which means practicing to an extent different art styles (mainly theirs). if you are looking on learning/improving your drawing skill set this may be a good option, otherwise this probably isn't worth it. i know paint+ allows this before merging it into a single layer for the more common image formats i you need a program that does this old style technique.


That would sort of be an option, but I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of essentially tracing the work of the other artists. If I were to make my own versions of the scenes I'd want to try to make them original.


I kinda would like to see more of the story line and see where the game is heading tords


Yeah, I am trying to get the main plotlines to advance more. Just added 2 new floors to the dungeon this update so that gives me more room to work with for plot advancement.


awesome really looking forward to it =) can't wait to see where the game is going hehe this game had me hooked the sec i played it