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Here's the public release for Adventure High 0.78. Few hours late uploading it, had to fix a few bugs before the upload. Here's what's new in this version:

- Eric Statue scene extended with new CGs.

- 8 scenes added for Heroic Finale.

- 2 scenes added for Julia body swap plot.


Adventure High

Use your power of Control Magic to become a Hero... Or Villain!



Hey, I'm not certain how to reach for the Heroic Finale or the complementary Julia Body Swap scenes ? For the Finale, I have no leads after the school confrontation with Victoria. For the Julia Body Swap path, I find myself stuck in the library with no way out and no skill to use (am stuck with original, not Julia's skills).


Assuming nothing went wrong, at that part in the storyline you wait in the library and scenes will automatically trigger after a short pause between each one. If you keep trying to leave that resets the timer unfortunately


It seems to be working ! Thanks for the tip, I'll explore further.


Is 0.78 adventure high on itch.io different from the one on newgrounds, because i noticed a bug with bimbo's gone wild world plot line and not being able to use cassandra. As in she's taken out of the game. Also, is there a specific way to gain access to the monster ranch?


The one on newgrounds and the one on Itchio are the same version. The bimbos gone wild bug with Cassandra is known about, but I haven't yet figured out the solution to it. To get access to the monster ranch you need to befriend and impress Erin, or collar the frost queen during the monster girl conspiracy plotline with Julia.