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Got this one from Caveman Doodles for the first comic of Detective Doe. Dramatic reveal that she did not use her client as bait. She just used her client's sister as bait... Is that better... or worse...? 




That's 1200USD.... expensive, but considering it saved her from a brainwashing, probably worth it.


I am impressed you can discern any useful information from that check. xD I cannot see anything but blurry squiggles. But yeah, probably well worth the cost given that without Doe's intervention she was next in line to become a brainwashed bimbo. xD


I used the Zoom feature of my browser, and it's still blurry. But it's either saying 1200.0 or 12000, and I SERIOUSLY doubt it's the latter. Because 12k USD is way more than most people can afford for a private eye. Even given the circumstances.

Wild Bill

When I try zooming in it's way too pixelated to read anything. Way more so than the rest of the image, weirdly. But neither 1200.0 or 12000 are legal amounts for a cheque, you have to write two decimal places.


It could be 120.00 then. Besides, fantasy checks rarely follow legal setups AFAIK