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Got these from Chien for my new vtube forms. Unlocking more potential shenanigans and scenarios. I've been streaming pretty regularly recently. Finding that it is helping keep my stress under control as well as improving my work pace. 

For anyone who has missed it, I'm currently doing gameplay streams on Twitch, and gamedev streams on eplay (so I don't have to worry about censoring for Twitch's standards when doing dev work). Feel free to follow me there if you want to join in on the shenanigans or see what I'm working on.

Twitch, Wednesdays and Saturdays 4pm Central: https://www.twitch.tv/hypnochanger 

Eplay, Mondays and Fridays 4pm Central: https://www.eplay.com/Changer 

(May replace eplay with picarto: https://picarto.tv/Changer as eplay seems not to have vods as I assumed it would...)




Ooooooo I cant wait to see


Rigging should be finished for this form in about a month roughly.