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Here is another set of manips. There was one suggested manip from my suggest a manip post; I couldn't find a source image that perfectly matched the described scenario but I tried to get as close as I could. The other one is from a picture I stumbled upon randomly. 

If you have any suggestions for my next manip set, comment on this post and I'll try to include some of them in my next set. 

Slumber Party?!: http://i.imgur.com/FlISzb0.jpg

Source: https://yande.re/post/show/221486/bisca_moulin-bra-cana_alberona-charle-dress_shirt-

Recruitment: http://i.imgur.com/mC3GQrG.png

Source: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2549998


(No title)



Heey bud, could you explain the defenition off a "manip"?


Manip is short for Manipulation; Basically, it's taking an existing image, and editing it. In this context, it's editing images to add hypnotic themes or stories to them. Since it's less work than drawing something from scratch I usually do multiple manips in a single post.


Uhhh Fairy Tail Mc! Side note: There are multiple mind-control spells in the Fairy Tail universe but those things are illegal. That doesn't seem to bother some people as they even make items imbued with those spells so EVERYONE could use em (in the episode where Lucy meets Natsu for the first time/very first episode she nearly falls under such a spell) Now I want a game about playing such a person in the Fairy Tail universe...


Yeah, it's just too bad the MC spell in the first episode is defeated as easily as "knowing about it makes it not work"


I would imagine that "kowing about it" makes it easier to block, as the guy using it didn't seem very powerful and Lucy already knew how to use magic. Against a target with less willpower/less magic/control it would surely have a partial effect. On the other hand that spell also didn't look it was specifically designed to FORCE people. It just instilled "love" in the target towards the user. Other spells of that kind may work less obvious/blockable: Be it via slowly overtaking the will of the target, a outright blast of energy to take over the targets will or slowly change the targets will/mind into something you want (like hypnosis/brainwashing) Erza for example would take a UNGODLY amount of work/power if you want to take over her will/mind if you use force. BUT if you "sell" it to her (you using the spell on her) as something that will help her protect her friends/help her friends in general she would be one of the easier ones to take over... Just don't blow it once it seems like she is under and tell her what you really plan, she would be ok with some sexy times though I imagine (just look at some of her "armors" and how she goes off once she "cosplays"... her as maid or her sexy armor)