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So, ages ago I did a fundraiser for the Summer Fun event which added a special area and a little mini plot where some characters got new summer outfits and some shenanigans were afoot. 

This was intended to be a thing that comes up during the summer, but I left it up all the time since we don't actually have any other season events. I was recently reminded of that, so I thought maybe I should work on adding those. 

Can't do all of them at once though so I thought I would leave it up to a poll. It would be similar to the Summer Fun event; three characters would be selected to participate, and you would get to visit a new conquest area and unlock a fun little plotline where the characters get to enjoy some seasonal fun. 

Also, it would be similar to how I did the summer fun event; if you are on the tier that gets polls here, you will still get access to polls related to the event. If you are on the high res art tier here, you will still get access to the art, etc. I will not be artificially gating any rewards related to the event from the patreon. 

The ideas I currently have are:

Fall Festival event: As summer winds down, and the air begins to cool, the countryside is holding a festival, and Helen thinks she can make it a little more fun... The girls who participate will get new country themed outfits. 

Winter Wonderland event: Santa's workshop is said to be staffed by elves, but the myths leave out what kind. Helen knows, and she thinks it would make a fun trip to show you. The girls who participate will get new Santa Elf outfits.

Spring Cleaning event: With spring rolling around the corner, it's become obvious that all the shenanigans have lead to a bit of a messy campus. Maybe we need a few more maids around here... The girls who participate will get new French Maid outfits.

Leave your vote below on which event you're most interested in seeing. I figure it'd be better to have that decided on first.  


Nicole Barovic

More maid outfits are always good