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Hey everyone, thought I'd write a post as I know I've been slower than usual recently. 

I mentioned this in my discord, but I've been in the lengthy process of breaking up with, and evicting my now ex. I don't want to write a post detailing everything but long story short, even after treating her blood sugar issues, her behavior of trying to pick fights just to have arguments and then blame me for those arguments so that she can then have more arguments about having arguments has continued, and I'm very tired of all the arguing.

I have a hearing on the 19th I've been preparing for, to finally get an official eviction order, and after being served for the hearing she finally decided to leave on the 15th. Maybe. Not sure if she's really going to leave or if it's a ploy to get me to cancel the hearing and then have to start the whole eviction process over so I'm going to wait on cancelling it until she's gone. 

Things have been very stressful for me, and it's been making it very difficult to be creative. I've been struggling to get this month's update done. So far I've written three scenes which is terrible progress for it already being the 10th as I'm writing this. 

So, as I did in some previous messed up updates, for this month I'm going to do the patron release on schedule but I'm going to continue to try to add more content during the week leading up to the public release, with the patron release updating like the live updates one does. 

I feel like between this mess and my computer breaking down last month, I'm being fairly disappointing recently. But I'm trying to do my best. I hope that you will be patient with me, and I will try my best to get back on schedule and back to my usual level of consistency soon.

Thanks for all of your support. I appreciate all of you, you all make it possible for me to do do what I do.



It's understandable if you take a couple weeks off. Get back into the right headspace no rush!

Zan Blackk

Sorry about your troubles. I hope things get better for you soon. I know that health issues can be hard on you both, but she doesn't have to be that way. :(


<p style="color: #008600;">Yes, it sounds a little confusing, I hope it’s not her tricks) Of course, this should have interfered with your creativity, but I hope you solve this situation and back to normal work</p>

Michael Vaccaro

Bad situation all around, but you're trying to deal with it and trying to be productive at the same time. I for one will not add to your pressure and just wish you success and patiently wait here to see how it shakes out.


Well, don't worry, and yet we are all human and we all have personal problems, just like you. I hope you get this sorted out soon. Good luck!