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Here's the public release of Spiral Clicker 0.43. This one leaned heavily into optimizations which I hope will make the experience playing the game smoother and less buggy. It also has some new content as well, such as a new summon and some new mall scenes. Here's what's new in this version of the game:


- Mall scene added for Cathrine.

- Mall scene added for Branda.

- Mall scene added for Delia.

- Mall scene added for Dixie.

- Mall scene added for Luna.

- Eliza added to game.

- 5 CGs added for Eliza. 

- Various optimizations added to game.


Spiral Clicker

Click to gain control over girls, and unlock outfits and CGs. Available for Windows



i keep having game crashes when trying to mind break girls that keep me from progressing with that particular girl, deleted saves and the issue started again with another girl after a little bit


if you can let me know which girls cause this issue for you, I can work on fixing them. I know the cause and have fixed it for several girls but I don't know how many more still have the issue.


I experienced the issue with Crystal initially and then Tammy when I deleted the save. With the issue with Crystal I was also running into to problem where i couldnt mind break the girls from their personal screen because it would kick me to the girl select screen, but i could mind break the girls that werent crystal from the selection screen


some of those I think I did fix already, maybe I missed uploading it to somewhere, there are I think six places you could be potentially playing from. Which source did you get the current version from? I can re-upload the current build to it.


the initial issues with crystal and being kicked back to the main screen was from the patreon release witch i picked up on the 18th, i pick up the public release that this initial comment was on today to see if the things had been fixed and was only encountering the crash when enteracting with tammy