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Hey everyone. I just finished writing a new short story, entirely on my tablet. It is surprisingly difficult to write at length with a touch based keyboard, but I also have absolutely nothing else to do. XD I may try to do some drawing but that is much harder when I don't have a second screen to look at pose references from.

It will be between 2-5 days for the diagnosis on my computer.then how long after that depends on how severe the issue is and if they need to order parts.

As for this short story, it is about 1850 words long, and features tech control, maledom, femsub, and perception alteration. So, I hope you all enjoy it.




Could you post these as PDFs? Like, there should be an easy way to print from word to pdf I do know there are some good free pdf converters. I thought you used word due to the Docx extension


I can give it a try. I use Libreoffice rather than word though since its free xD