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I don't like to make posts like this; as tone can be misunderstood via text. This month though, literally a quarter of all the pledges have failed. So, it would be a good idea to check on your payment info with Patreon and make sure it's accurate. 

Seems to be a fairly wide problem, so I'm guessing it's probably just a matter of something that is easy to mix up. 

Thank you all for your support though. I am working on improving my work pace so I can provide more quality content for you all. 



Maybe got something to do with the fact that your asking pledges per creation and not just per month, and people can set a max number of creations people are willing to pay for per month?


Nah, that wouldn't cause a pledge to be reported as failed. Being able to set a maximum pledge is an intended feature and is accounted for. A person's pledge only reports as failed if something caused the payment to fail entirely.


you 100% sure about that? no offence intended ofcourse, but i havn't seen the problem with any other creator


I am pretty sure. There are a few people who have one dollar pledges with one dollar caps who's pledge cleared properly and report as completed. So, reaching the cap doesn't seem to be triggering a false positive.


Mine is pending so might take a bit and possibly be delayed due to holiday


I think the system accounts for that too. I just checked and while yours hasn't gone though yet this month, it has the green "ok" next to it. From the looks of it, it's only when a payment is attempted and subsequently fails that it gives a failure message. I'm sure it is just some kind of error or mistake; I'm just making the post to let people know to check just in case.


okay well in that case goodluck with it and keep up the good work!


My bank says the payment went through.