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I've begun working on the live updates for Adventure High v0.27. I'll keep this post updated with new features as I make them. Feel free to comment if you see any bugs or have any suggestions. 

-  1 new image added to Ms. Rack's Enslavement sequence for the fail ending where you also get drunk due to Bimbo Val's poor direction following skills.

- 1 new image added to the mass bimbofication ending

- Affection icon added. Should show a middle finger for characters who hate you, annoy spell icon if they dislike you, small heart if they like you, several hearts if they love you, and a big heart if they are charmed. 

-Ability to pan splash images up and down added. Press up and down on the keyboard to pan the image. 

- Alternate version of first date with Sarah added for if she was charmed.

-Alternate ending added to first conversation with Sarah if Grapple is used.

- 2 Images added to Ms. Rack's Enslavement for Val winning the makeout contest as a slave, or as a goth.

- 2 new floors added to the dungeon

- 2 new monsters added to the dungeon

- 1 new sigil added to the dungeon

- 1 new note added to the dungeon, and conversation with Cassandra if she is in the party.

- Secret class for Dr. Tiff added, with variant for if Cassandra is in the party.

- Scene with Cassandra added in Store if you healed her after defeating her. 

-1 new scene added for Val's Submission plot.


Adventure High Live

Adventure High Live by HypnoChanger


Ranginald Vagel

The little heart is still there at the end of the opening cutscene.

Ranginald Vagel

Actually, in most situations the box is still there after the cutscene is over. And now some cutscenes have a weird adjustment where the characters appear halfway up the screen before jittering into place lol


Sorry about that. I just added a fix for that, hopefully. The avatar jittering about is probably due to Val needing a slight adjustment to her Y coordinate to prevent her from appearing much taller than she should be. I'll need to get it fixed more cleanly though as soon as I can.

Ranginald Vagel

When you Grapple Sarah(Like this scene a lot) Dan's the one that says, "Yes Master... I am all yours..."


oops XD must have a tag backwards. ill get that fixed as soon as i have the next scene finished.