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I think its been probably a year or so since the last time I ran this poll so I figured I would do it again. Mostly to see what you guys are enjoying most and also a little bit curiosity. This one isn't tied to a specific thing I'm planning on doing so I'll have this poll be open to everyone to answer. 



SC and MC for me. Put my vote for MC mostly because it's so low in the polls currently.

Nicole Barovic

AH and Spiral Clicker are the only two I've played so far.


Mind conquest for sure but updates are infrequent but after that adventure high

Damien Jacobs

specifically being titnotized

Ty Rutherford

They're all fun in their own ways, I'll say I've played Spiral Clicker the most thanks to it being quick to boot up, having lots of content and being straight forward. Adventure High has the content but so many alternate paths, while Mind Conquest and Succuquest are more straight forward but have notably less content.


Adventure High for sure (though Spiral Clicker is good too)


I like adventure high but ever since the walkthrough got taken down, its been hard to get far into it like i used to

Darren Thomas

Echo the need for "Adventure High" walk-through for Download (WHAT do you do to access the RED CHESTS??? HOW do I give the BOOK to a party member?) plus a "Dungeon ELEVATOR" as I'm tired of fighting from floor 4 to 13 just to get killed every time, and it's been about 4 days now. Empty classroms and just slaves with same words & fighting. I think "Mind Conquest" is the game I've played the most, I like it a lot (I like the + and - corruptions and kinks enslaving leaders, especially!) but also found the most buggy and (with due respect) infuriating. I know you've kinda put it aside but please give it some much needed attention now, not in the Autumn. Pretty please! It'd be GREAT to see some work put into this and the "dead ends" at least painted as resolutions, with nice cut scenes, for now; if you aren't going to work on it for a while, please, please tidy it up. The whole "I've conquered all the cities and everyones starved. What do I do?" feel left me cold to it. I'm sorry, man, in my humble opinion, it needs the most work! I LOVE "Adventure High", but same issues, I seem to go off the narrative path and end up in a cycle of fighting and little else! Some scenarios/oppurtunities just disappear and I'm unable to cast on people whilst walking around due to earlier missed opurrtunities, i.e. Sarah's frozen hands (I can't enslave her and I'm at Level 31 now). I think it needs smoothing out on the endings, oppurtunities to talk & enslave re-presented later, the Brother & SIster as permanent (they just disappear!) and more lessons from the teacher opposite Ms Rack. Just like "Take-Over" (not yours, and it shows, it can be a VERY buggy mess!). "Spiral Clicker" brought me here and it's a great game but I find it takes too long to enslave folk and I'm forever doing the same thing. Haven't played for a few months as I literally lose DAYS on it but I found the beach particularly long-winded. "Click, click, click... meh!". And the other cities seem to be a bit samey, needing too much repetition of action. I think it'd be fun if, like the others, you had more options to entertain and I imagine you've done that . I'm grateful to you for all the work you put in and I love those 2 games but I appreciate you're busy and it's time-reliant what you focus on, and they're free, also. Well, apart from our donations, of course! PLEASE change your timetable and give "Mind Conquest" an urgent polish, clean up, and an option to "sleep & save" on more pages. Deepest Respect, Jedi. P.S. I'm interested in opinions on my observations. Am I mad? Am I playing the "dumb" way? Do others feel the same? Are there any tricks I'm missing, guys? DO advise me if you think I've got things wrong, I NEED the help!


Yeah, I'm glad you do polls like this from time to time. I probably choose Mind Conquest, it's exciting


Yeah, the fandom wiki being taken down has made navigating adventure high much more difficult. it can though still be accessed using web archive if you need to look anything up. There are a couple people working on putting together new wikis for it but no one has gotten one up and stable yet. Since the story isn't finished yet, a lot of dead ends do happen but they are not intentional dead ends; just, that's as far as I've written so far. You can skip floors to any floor that you find the sigil on. There is one on every few floors and you can press left and right to choose which sigil you teleport to when entering the dungeon. You would actually be surprised how much work I put into mind conquest; the buggyness is the main reason for it being slow to release. Every version has had major bugs in it, due to how complex the code is compared to my other projects. I've been tinkering on it in between other game updates pretty consistently, but with how complicated the code is, I haven't been able to figure out why it does some of the things it does wrong.


Adventure High all day. Love the JRPG gamplay

Darren Thomas

Thank you for taking the time to reply and being so comprehensive, I certainly understand where you're coming from now, my friend! Also, thanks for telling me about The Sigils, I got one to floor 7 now!! Still confused - on floor 11, opposite the exit behind a wall is a RED block or CASKET, like a treasure chest but I cannot use it, there's one on Floor 13 top left at a corridor end but I dunno what button to press to "mark/activate them". Are these malformed/corrupted Sigils? They don't work, you see? At Lv 31, am keen to get on but all this getting to floor 13, dying every time, fighting ALL the way to Flower Girl and Bud is a bit repetitive. I can't give any of the 5 costly 10,000 points "Book" to anybody party member in inventory. In battle there's a grey square which may be malformed/corrupt book but I cannot use this either, so I certainly can't give it to anyone. How does this all work, please? To be frank, all the repetition and death is becoming depressing. Nonetheless, I respect you but I think I'll drop "Adventure High" for now as it may be buggy. (please, anyone advise me what I'm doing wrong - need to get to floor 15 and the note to progress with Julia and Molly). Am I going MAD or are others encountering these useless artefacts???

C Fern

I like Spiral Clicker and Adventure high roughly equally. Spiral clicker has the better UI, but then Adventure high actually organizes the girls properly.