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It was pointed out to me that I somehow forgot to post the Cleric's first captured animation. So that's why this one is posted out of order. The third Thief animation is part of the same set and it looks like I forgot to post that one too so I'll be posting that tomorrow. 

The angle on this one is a bit awkward with the face in high res; putting an eye there looks weird but also not having an eye there also looks weird, but it looks a bit more natural without the eye when scaled down to the size it will be used in-game. 



Wild Bill

I think from that angle you wouldn't actually be able to see her eye, so putting one there *would* look weird. But you *would* be able to see the orbit so her face being flat looks weird. There should be a bit more shape to it and perhaps her eyelashes should be visible. Though if it's going to be really tiny then perhaps it doesn't matter.

Damien Jacobs

yeah, you'd make out her cheekbones, if nothing else. it does coincide with the trope of that forboding shaded eyes thing