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Got this one from Chien for the special CG when winning the navy minigame in the new special area. Now that I have this one, I can finally add Boomer to the game, so she'll be coming up in this next update. xD 



Nimbus Shadowwings

i know this is unrelated to the post, but mind conquest needs serious balancing, raiding is the best and perhaps only way to get large amounts of material, and once you use that part of the army its done for the day,this leaves trouble with the heros, you need to have a massive standing army, and you need to use it to feed itself,but cant use it or youll get attacked with no troops ready,i recommend buffing the tributes or tweaking the way the army works on the other note, cute and funny art, cant wait to see the next area


Heroes only attack once you reach 100% threat. The mechanic is there to simultaneously incentivize you not to overextend your reach, and to reward you with a new harem member once you grow enough to defeat the next hero. As long as you keep your threat below 100% you don't need to worry that a hero will show up.