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I'm sure it probably seems completely random two have those two things together, but it isn't so much. I've always had a problem with wrist pain that could potentially be Carpal Tunnel. The last few weeks, however, that pain has been growing much worse. I've been doing wrist exercises and stretches and got a wrist brace but so far nothing seems to be working and I have no insurance with which to see a doctor about it. 

At this point, I can't even do simple things like turn a door knob or pull back my chair without pain. So, I am probably going to need to cut back on how much drawing I am doing each month at least until the pain in my wrist and hand goes away. I will probably limit my drawing to what's necessary to make new Adventure High updates on time and possibly a request or two if I am capable of it. 

Which brings me to Hypno-Manips. I'm going to have to spend less time drawing to let my wrist recover, and I don't want that time to simply become time sitting around doing nothing. So, I was thinking of starting to do hypno-manips (edits to existing images to make them hypno-themed, often also adding mini-stories) during that time since it would still be a visual medium but would not be so hard on my wrist. 

I wanted to get your feedback first though. So, if you have any feelings about whether or not you would like to see me including manips in the kinds of content I make, let me know. Just to emphasize, if I do start doing manips it will not have any impact on the schedule for Adventure High. I intend to continue holding to the monthly update cycle that I've been doing lately.



hey, yeah, I mean, whenever my my wrist starts being a real pain, I tend to take it easier and not care about others input.


Yeah, I don't think I have much choice but to cut back on drawing either way or my arm won't get better. I do like to try and keep people informed and listen to feedback.


Have you considered visiting a chiropractor? I don't know if all of them treat carpal tunnel, but I've seen my chiropractor fix dozens of cases, usually on the first visit, Most chiropractor's rates are cheap enough that you could pay out of pocket for a couple visits. It could be worth it.


I'll probably have to look into it. I just tried looking up online the costs, and they seem to range from pretty affordable to way out of my price range. So, I'll probably have to call around and find out if anyone in my area provides that kind of service at an affordable rate.