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So, I figure I should probably get around to giving the Corrupts Absolutely an actual ending with the 10th part, which has been a long time coming. I had a good stint of writers block which seems to have begun to clear up. While writing though, I found that I had a few ideas on where it might plausibly go, so I figured I might make it a poll about what ends up happening in the end. 

For a brief recap if you haven't read it recently; Grant gains reality bending powers at the start of the story, and gives Ashley the ability to remove his powers if she thinks he's gone mad with power. 

The story follows Ashley as she tries to use logic to figure out what changes Grant has, and continues to make to the world and if he has or has not gone too far, while having some shenanigans and misadventures of her own along the way. 

Beware spoilers for the next part in the options below, one of them will be it so, if you want to be surprised don't look. 


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