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Hey everyone.

So, I'd like to start off with the medical update. I have made comments as well as posts on discord about how things have gone but I had not made a new post with how things have gone in one place yet. 

Even after my girlfriend returned from the hospital, she was still extremely weak, and was not able to do much on her own. It was quite a bit more work than I had anticipated and was much more stressful as well, so this update ended up being affected quite a bit. I am still working on fixing bugs on the stuff I've added. Hopefully I'll have it stabilized soon.

She has for the most part recovered now, so I should be able to return to my usual development schedule. I have the new UI to assemble for Mind Conquest so I will be working on that between cycles this time.

The next thing I need to talk about, and I don't have a great smooth segue into this, but I am considering some minor changes to the rewards I have set up currently.

A while ago, I had learned that the 1 dollar tier is actually very inefficient compared to any other tier, and maximizes how much gets eaten by fees rather than actually reaching me. 

Unfortunately, I had already set up my rewards to heavily incentivize the 1 dollar tier prior to learning that, and had been nervous of making any changes. I think though that I do need to make some adjustments and I may as well pull that bandaid off now while I'm thinking of hospital metaphors. 

I am though extremely grateful for everyone who is willing to support my work, so I don't want to eliminate the most accessible and flexible support tier. So, I am aiming at making a fairly mild change to the rewards system to incentivize higher tiers while still keeping value in the lower ones. 

These are the changes that I am considering:

Early game releases move up to 3 dollar tier

Live Updates move up to 5 dollar tier

Early story releases move down to 1 dollar tier

Polls move down to 3 dollar tier

My thought is that early access to writing plus access to all high res art would still be, I think, a good value still. The game release tiers both would move up one tier, and the three dollar tier will get access to all polls since it would be going from having live updates to early releases. I sort of front-loaded most of my good rewards in the lowest tiers, so that makes it difficult to shuffle things in a balanced way. 

If you guys have any thoughts on these changes, feel free to leave a comment below, as I do want to consider your opinions before moving forward with any sort of change like this. If you guys happen to have ideas for rewards you would like to see added that I don't currently do feel free to share those as well. 

I really appreciate all of your support, especially in this rough patch that I am having. You guys make it possible for me to do this work, and I hope to keep bringing you all new entertainment and fun times for a long time to come. Thank you all. 



Robert L

Family and Friends 1st, last and always.