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Hey everyone,

Things are a bit rough at the moment over here. My girlfriend became violently ill saturday night. I spent the night up trying to help with that, and while she seemed to be recovering on Sunday, she got worse again that night.

I took her to the hospital on monday... and she's still there right now. She's not expected to be released until either tomorrow or Friday. Based on the tests, she had gone into keto acidosis and developed pancreatitis which is the specific thing that made her so ill. It seems that she had developed diabetes without us knowing, which is the root cause of this. It may also be potentially a cause of her irrational mood swings and behavior since blood sugar problems can affect the brain. 

As a result of all of this, I have gotten basically no work done for the last several days. Which is threatening to make this spiral clicker update way too small. So, like I did back when I got hit with that hurricane a while ago, I'm going to be continuing to develop on the game through the early release week to try to get enough content ready for the monthly release so it won't be late. 

Thanks for all of your support; I will be doing my best to get this update done on time. I've been calming down more, so assuming nothing unexpected happens I should be able to get back to being productive either later today or tomorrow. 


Robert L

Healing thoughts, prayers and good vibes headed your way. Take care of yourself and your gf, we will still be here in you get Update out. Friends and family 1st last and always


Amigo, screw the update, family comes first, you will come back even stronger after this, please keep us informed.


It is fine. Stay with your Girlfriend if it helps her and calm down. Hope she can recover fine without issues. Stay healthy.


Thanks. i am going to try to do my best to balance our health and work. I do enjoy what I do; so I want to get back to it as soon as I can handle it.


Yeah, I am hoping she recovers without further issues. We will be doing a lot of diet changes to keep her healthy in the future.


Take care of yourself and your loved ones before us, buddy. I hope everything goes well for you.

Zan Blackk

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys, take care of your girl, we'll be here. Diabetes is in both sides of my fam. You guys can do this! :)

Douglas Goldstein

The game can wait; care for her. This is a disease you don't sleep on...

Sergei Kotlar

I wish your girlfriend a speedy recovery, take care of her!


I hope things go well with your GF, You both have my well wishes.


Oh, we are very sorry about what happened to your girlfriend, it really needs to be treated immediately. Take care of yourself, both of you!


Take all the time you need, my friend.

Lucas Tigy

hearing this hurts, as i found out from my sisters within this past year that my mother had diabetes before dying of cancer. and eating the way i had been, i am sure i was on that path as well. what i would like to mention though, is that cutting out sugar made a big difference in my health and i eventually went full ketogenic to try and solve more of the health issues. i know "keto" might be a scary word right now due to your girlfriend's condition, however a proper ketogenic diet could be exactly what she needs. if you are interested, i recommend https://www.dietdoctor.com/ or the diet doctor youtube channel. the "what i've learned" youtube channel is another good reference as he does a good job of breaking down all of the information of how and why it works. i suppose i could also answer some questions, but i would recommend looking into those other sources as they are more knowledgeable than I.


Unfortunately, she can't do Keto according to her doctor's instructions. She needs to be on both a low sugar and a low fat diet and Keto is a low sugar, high fat diet. Keto does work for me, diet-wise, so I am fairly familiar with it already but it's a bit of a challenge trying to come up with a meal plan that works for her.

Lucas Tigy

i'm curious as to why someone would need to be "low fat" but i suppose that's your business and not mine. all i can think of, is trying to balance carbohydrates and fats. if anything, i have heard eating whole grains and other less processed carbs are at least less impactful. some people also say that eating the more carb heavy foods last can also help as any vegetables and what not will kinda slow down your bodies carbohydrate processing. Dr. Ted Naiman is someone who seems to be doing a diet similar to keto that is more protein focused while limiting extra fat and sugar. looking into him may produce a solution for you.


The reason is that her cholesterol is also high so they want her to reduce her fats for her heart health.

Lucas Tigy

i have a brother-in-law who was born with a heart condition that requires him to wear a pacemaker. at this point, he eats a mostly carnivore diet. as far as i know, he has had no issues with a low carb diet. now, i don't know if your girlfriend has a heart condition like that, but it sounds to me that her doctor may be uninformed. your body makes all the cholesterol it needs, so if you have extra, it's because your body has a purpose fot it. the lipoproteins are what transport the cholesterol and fatty acids to all of the cells that need them through your blood. it honestly sounds like you could use a doctor more versed in low carb diets as they should have a better understanding of how the body works