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Here's the patron release for Succuquest 0.02. It's a pretty big update so feedback is extremely important. I think I've only gotten feedback from 2-3 people so far on the live version so any more feedback on how it feels to play and any other feedback will help a lot in making the game the best it can be. 

Here's the changelog for this game; it's a pretty long one since it's been a while since the last update. 

- Gallery page added to Pause menu.

- 5 CGs added to Gallery.

- Keyboard control rebinding added.

- Shortcut to hero's guild added.

- Grant fight moved to Cave Dungeon.

- Paladin form added.

- Tutorial area added.

- New opening added.

- Guild Hall added. 

- Barkeep added to Guild Hall.

- 5 Convos added for Barkeep.

- Fate added to Guild Hall

- 5 Convos for Fate added. 

- Brian added to Guild Hall

- 5 convos for Brian added.

- Nicardia added to Guild hall

- 5 convo added for Nicardia.

- Waitress added to Guild Hall

- Shop added to game.

- Cherry Drink, a healing item, added to game.

- 3 sex scenes with Waitress added.

- 5 areas added to game world.

- Plant girl added to game.

- Hawk added to game.

- Wall Slime enemy added.

- Giant Bat enemy added. 

- Grux Boss Fight added to game.

- Health bars added for boss fights.

- 2 Sex scenes with Tarya added.

- Health can be extended with collectables. 8 can be found in total.

- Save system implemented.

- 4 new music tracks added.

- Interconnected game world added.


Succuquest Supporter Release

This is the landing page for Succuquest. This game is EXE only, so no embedded version is available. Click below to do...


Wild Bill

It sucks this is exe only. Not everyone uses windows, you know?


There will be an HTML5 version at the public release. I can't embed it into the blogger page unfortunately as I both don't know how to embed HTML5 and I've found that embeds that are as wide as this game for some reason break the page's formatting.

Raymond Seneer

hm is it only some kind of bug it still say´s new game after you saved a game in one save-slot? cause i dont see any load-button at all


There should be two buttons on the file after you save; one which starts a new game on that file and one which loads the game.

Raymond Seneer

Btw, games breaking down whenever i go on from the the first stage in knight mode

Raymond Seneer

Not for me downloaded the live version, i can press only new game, start at the beginning, but with all the stuff i had with my last save


It should look like this when loading a game https://i.imgur.com/D8brLQS.png is that not what you are seeing?


I have a similar issue. I only have New game as a choice, doesn't look like your picture. it seems to save my game status though, so even picking new game I keep my cash and quest status and whatnot, but I start at the very beginning of the game again. I also didn't get very far cause I got to the 2nd quest and can't figure out to get up the reverse cliff in the 3rd or 4th room.


For the cave in the 4th room, you need to drop down to proceed. The pit there does not have the warning glow that indicates a harmful fall. I am not sure why it is not showing a load button. Are you saving the game via the waitress or just closing the game without saving?


Alright, I found the problem; the saving issue is caused by saving by using the mouse it seems. I will have a fix up for that in about 5-10 minutes.

Douglas Goldstein

I can get all three with the waitress, same scene with the 'princess' regardless of my transformation. Runs real smooth. I think at some point a super-high jump will be mine, to reach the [spoilers], but I can wait.


Ahh ok, the new version should have that fixed. Apparently I had a bit of test code left over in that scene which breaks when not in a testing setting.