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No worries, this idea won't slow down updates on Adventure High. I tend to work better when I run with random inspiration rather than trying to force my mind to focus on a single thing. 

Anyways, the idea for this game is that you are a failed evil overlord. The game opens with your lab destroyed and your character on the verge of death. A psychic with her own dreams of world domination shows up to steal some information from your mind, giving you the chance to use that connection to jump into her body. 

The game will be a resource management game where you and your new "assistant" Terri attempt to build up an empire worthy of world conquest, while keeping your old body alive until it has healed enough to return to safely. Although Terri has no choice but to assist you for now, whether or not you can trust her in the long term is anyone's guess.

Any feedback on the idea, and how interested you guys would be in seeing more of it would be appreciated. 


terri possessed game concept by hypnochanger-da0go0u



Doesn't seem like a bad idea. I wouldn't mind seeing where you go with it.


sounds interessting. would like to hear more about it.

Ranginald Vagel

Ooooh How do the psychic abilities fit in? Do we get to control others with it? Do we get to body surf more? Possession's my favorite! Man I can't wait to see this fleshed out. Makes me wanna make a game myself lol


Unfortunately, it would not make sense to possess other characters, since as soon as you leave Terri's body, she has no reason to let you back into her mind again, or continue helping you. The balance is sort of that Terri is helping you in order to eventually have you leave her mind, while the main character allows her to keep her will rather than completely suppressing her because her psychic powers are useful but don't work without her will fueling them. A lot of the game's plot will explore this power balance and what happens when that balance is disturbed in different ways as they get closer to both world domination and to the main character's body being fully healed.