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So, it was brought to my attention that the post for Succuquest's live updates has become a bit hard to find due to how long ago I posted about it. So I am making a new post to be easier to find. Any feedback on the game and how it feels to play so far would be extremely helpful so that when I do have this new version ready to go, it's as polished and nice to play as it can be. 

Here's what's new in the game so far since the original concept demo came out:

- Health bars added for boss fights.

- Keyboard control rebinding added.

- Shortcut to hero's guild added.

- Dungeon area added to caves.

- Grant fight moved to Dungeon.

- Paladin form added.

- Tutorial area added.

- 1 scene added to opening.

- Brian added to Guild Hall

- 3 convos for Brian added.

- Nicardia added to Guild hall

- 3 convos added for Nicardia.

- 4 convos for Fate added.

- Waitress sex scenes added, 3 total.

- Additional collectables added. 8 can be found in total.

- Grux Fight added to game.

- Health can be extended with collectables.

- 2 sex scenes added to game.

- Plant girl added to game.

- Hawk added to game.

- 2 areas added to game map.

- Shop added to game.

- Cherry Drink, a healing item, added to game.

- Save system implemented.

- 4 new music tracks added.

- Interconnected game world added.

- Dialogue added for Barkeep.

- Dialogue added for Fate.

- Wall Slime enemy added.

- Giant Bat enemy added. 


Succuquest Live Updates

This is the landing page for Succuquest. This game is EXE only, so no embedded version is available. Click below to do...


Damien Jacobs

i found a weird duplication bug. in my attempt to gather them all, they've scattered all over the underground