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Hey everyone!

I think the event went pretty well. By the end of it, we managed to gain 63 new patrons/subscribers/increased pledges. Hopefully this will provide some breathing room for my budget, which has been tightening steadily for a while now. 

So, the final result of the event amounts to a 315% bust size increase and a four image long sequence. I have begun sketching out the full sequence and tweeted a preview of it earlier. I've attached a preview here of it, but as patreon is finicky about content in publicly visible posts I can't show the whole thing here. 

As I said before, I'm going to be fully coloring and shading the sequence. I am hopeful I can do a good enough job on it to be worth the build up over it. I am not nearly as good an artist as the other artists I work with on my games, but I have been trying to improve.

Anyways, thanks again for all of your support. You guys make it possible for me to do the work that I do.




What's the twitter tho 🤔