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Hey everyone,

Thought I would start the new year with a post about what my plans for this year are. I had originally planned to get Spiral Clicker feature-complete by the end of 2020 but hurricane season sort of threw that plan for a loop. I am hoping to finish within the first half of this new year though. 

When Spiral Clicker is feature-complete, it will still get updates with new characters, but will be updating more slowly so that I can put Adventure High back into monthly updates. 

Succuquest is getting further along in it's development. I have been doing a lot of behind the scenes work on it, getting more sprites and UI elements together so that the next demo will look polished and nice. I will be starting live updates after this next round of spiral clicker updates. 

Adventure High's UI has been steadily getting made, and I hope to soon have it fully implemented. Once it is on monthly updates, I expect to catch up quickly with the backlog of CGs i've built up and start getting a lot more of the main story written. 

Mind Conquest will most likely have it's next update towards the mid to later part of the year. I am wanting to pretty much give it a full facelift before I make another update, as the UI is currently a mess. It is missing a lot of elements, and I feel like I'm at the limit of where I can push the UI materials I have without becoming incomprehensible. 

I plan to get the UI materials needed for Mind Conquest put together after my artists finish with the UI updates on my other games. I, unfortunately, can't afford to hire another artist to hurry that along, so I mostly need to wait until my artists have finished the UI stuff they are on now before I can start on it. 

Anyways, that is pretty much what my thoughts and plans are. Hopefully this year will be a better one than last. Thanks for all of your support everyone. Your support makes it possible for me to do this work. 



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