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Hey everyone,

So, it seems that internet is a bit wonky after the hurricane, with it coming up and going back down at complete random. I have discovered a bit of an issue related to that where if my internet is down when I open Stencyl, some functionality is disabled, such as literally being unable to export the game at all. Seems like a significant design flaw in my opinion. 

So, that is making working on the game slower than I would like. I am though trying to get what I can done as quickly as I can. I am hoping the internet issues get fixed soon. I am hoping to get at least one more character's storyline finished before the update is finished, two if possible. 

As well, it is possible that I may end up posting less art this month than usual. I have been trying to give my artists steady, consistent work by commissioning each new piece as soon as they finish. But as my income has fallen over this year, it's become less affordable to do that, and I need to make a change before it becomes a problem rather than reacting to it after it's a huge one.

So, I'm going to have to set a hard limit on how much I can spend each month on art and after hitting it, I'll need to wait til the next month to commission more. This won't affect my coding and writing speed as I don't have to spend money to get myself to do stuff, but it will mean that my patreon feed will be a bit slower moving. 

I wanted to mention this to you guys ahead of time to avoid any theorizing about issues behind the scenes. It's basically just a funding issue; I'm still on good terms with all of my artists and we are still all eager to work. This year's economy has just been very rough. Somewhere around 90% of exit surveys I've gotten refer to change in financial situation.

I want to say, if you have had to drop your pledge due to that, you have no reason to feel bad about it at all. It's important to take care of yourself first and foremost, and I never want anyone to pledge more than they are able to comfortably afford. 

Thank you all for your support. Hopefully when the pandemic and associated lockdowns resolve and things start to get back to normal worldwide, things will also start to get back to normal here as well. Until then, I am going to be doing my best to keep making progress on my projects and providing you with new content to enjoy.




Yeah, you know, this problem with the pandemic seems to have dragged on for a long time, the news about the second wave is scary. We hope that soon everything will fall into place.