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I'm starting work on updates for Adventure High 0.61. To start off, I've added some new background art for the dungeon to give different "biomes" of the dungeon a different feel in combat. 

I'm at a bit of a slow start, as I had mentioned in the previous update post, my cat was not doing well. Unfortunately, I had to put her down. She did not recover over the weekend and the vet identified what she believed to be a likely tumor in her nose based on the swelling. She didn't think Noggin could survive being put under to do surgery though, so our only real choice was to put her down so that she wouldn't have to keep suffering. 

I am still working on recovering from the loss; I've lost pets before and it usually comes and goes in waves so I'll try to get as much work done as I can during the "good" periods so I don't fall too far behind during the bad periods. 

Thanks for all of your support and for your patience. You guys make it possible for me to do this for a living, and I want to make sure I keep providing plenty of entertainment for you all as best as I can. 


Live Updates 3

Due to the death of flash, the game is only available in EXE form currently. Basic Controls: WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon, selecting spells and targets in combat. WS/UP-Down arrows: Pan images larger than the screen Enter: Exit Dungeon, when in bedroom open party menu, fast forward in conversation.


Peter Hager

I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a furry friend can be devastating.


Very sad to hear. We exactly the same situation a few years ago. Its never an easy (or even right) decision either way.