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I have this update for Spiral Clicker finished. I got about 25 new convos added in this update, as well as a new character and a redesign of the settings screen. I still have more details to add to it, but the new settings screen should have a lot more info and be more usable than the old one. 

Here's what's new in this version of the game: 

- Settings screen revamped.

- 10 convos added for Dr. Love.

- 10 convos added for Joyce.

- 2 CGs added for Joyce.

- 6 Convos added for Cassie.

- Wanda added to game.

- 5 CGs added for Wanda. 


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

Download here



I uploaded a fix attempt for that a few hours ago, did that not work, or did you get the version I uploaded initially and hadn't had a chance to play until now?


I got the original and om only now playing it, and I didn't see anything about a bug fix so was unaware of one existing.


The last conversation with Dr. Love is showing the first CG instead of the last.


Is there a canonical "end" for Spiral Clicker? Or is it something better left to the imagination?


cannot play game cause cannot figure out how to download remote flash player. help?


there should be an exe in the folder as well as a flash version. If you are on mac and have to use the flash version there are some standalone flash players, but since I use PC I don't know the best ones for mac.