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Hello, everyone. 

I've had a lot of people recently asking about the death of Flash Player and how that will impact my games, so I figured I would make a post to address the issue. The short answer is that it won't affect the development of my games whatsoever. 

I’ve never actually programmed or created in Flash. It’s just one of a few export options I have available to me. I can also export to EXE without issue, and have been doing so for most of my games ever since I learned that Flash was being kicked to the curb. 

The reason I’ve continued to have Flash versions of my games available is mainly because it’s convenient having versions of the game that can be played directly from the browser. HTML5 will eventually be an option to replace Flash for that purpose, but my experiences with it have shown that it’s currently unstable and produces unusual bugs. 

When Flash does come to an end, my games will continue development as normal. At most, I will just switch to uploading only EXE versions of the game until the HTML5 export option becomes stable, but progress on my games will proceed without slowing at all. 

Thanks again for all of your support,





Even when flash comes to an end, there is still software to run SWF files, so providing those could work for those not using Windows.

Sergei Kotlar

Anyway, you can continue deliver. swf files, the can be played from very simple player like "swffileplayer" that is free of charge small program for playing flash on Windows without browser.


What program/language/etc do you use to program your videogames, out of curiosity?