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Hey everyone,

Thought I would make a post to let everyone know how things are going. I need to get into the habit of making these posts periodically. So far, Mind Conquest's live updates are progressing well. While there are no new kingdoms to conquer yet, I have implemented body healing finally, and have been working on getting the new play scenes connected to that. 

Spiral Clicker's public release will be in a couple days. You will be able to find the new version everywhere that I post it once it's up; Steam, Gamejolt, Itch.io, and Newgrounds. 

Succuquest's campaign is just over halfway to it's goal. It is a flexible goal so even if it doesn't succeed, the extra funds will allow me to afford more assets sooner than I otherwise would have. I just finished a new version of the demo today which includes Fawn's transformation ability and her new Thief form. You can check the new demo on the indiegogo page here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/succuquest-action-platformer/x/23322024 

I think that's about all for now. Thanks again for all of your support.




Great update! It’s good that you keep us updated on the progress of your work. Looking forward to the public release of Spiral Clicker.