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So I finally fixed the game breaking bug that made failing interrogations go to the wrong scenes and cause weird things to happen as a consequence. So I am able to start working on this game again. There are still a couple existing bugs still that need fixing but they aren't game-breaking like that one was. 

To start this update off, all scenes outside of tutorial scenes have been updated to include variations for if you are the healed protagonist (Ash) or if you are ??? or Terri. I've also included five conversations with Terri, and 3 new sex scenes for her.

Also, because this will likely come up, there are three routes when the body is healed. If Terri dislikes ???, she will betray them and take over the empire herself. You will play as Terri going forward from there. Terri is more fun loving, and less terse than ??? is. 

You can make Terri like you more by choosing the right dialogue options in her conversations and by having sex with slaves that she likes. You can make her like you less by masturbating in her body, having sex with slaves she doesn't like, or by choosing the wrong dialogue choices.

If Terri does like ???, she will restore their body. There are a few points in the game where you choose between masculine and feminine terms, and your choices there determine whether ???'s new body is male or female. 


Conquest Live

Due to the resolution of the game, it cannot be played in browser on this page. It can be downloaded in the link below. DOWNL...


mortis grim

hey there love the games set up but I found a bit of a bug after steeling food a cople of times I sudenly have 846635677 soldiers this might be a good thing to fix also Is it posible to give us the option to tipe the amount of soldier we want to sent

A Literal Rabbit

I'm glad someone brought up in the increased numbers glitch, I figured it was only an issue I was having since no one else mentioned it. But since someone brought it up, I think I should mention another glitch. This is only after stealing food or wood, but after doing so, it seems that your ability to increase or decrease soldiers is locked to 1 or 0. The only way to fix the glitch is to end the day, which basically means you can only get a chance at getting one type of resource per day, and it makes acquiring resources an extreme hassle. The huge numbers glitch seems to be when it says you have 0 soldiers, and you attempt to do anything with them. When you do, it seems like it breaks the number generator and creates a ludicrous amount of numbers for factors like health, food, energy and the enemy awareness factor.


I just finished uploading a new version which should fix the issue. It prevents you from attacking with zero soldiers which should avoid that issue. As for being locked to 0 soldiers (or 1 soldier previously) I changed the way attacks worked, and so now soldiers take a day to return. This is to help encourage risk taking, as I found a lot of people will try to always go for a 0% risk attack to avoid losing soldiers, and end up starving because their population is too high.