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Hey everyone, 

As part of my attempt to communicate better, I thought I'd make a post about what my general development game plan is. 

Spiral Clicker is actually surprisingly close to a 1.0 release. This is not to say that Spiral Clicker is going to stop getting new content imminently, but rather that it will be reaching a point where it will be feature-complete and new updates will primarily be in the form of adding new characters to the roster. I am hoping to reach that point later this year and, once Spiral Clicker has reached 1.0, Adventure High will be back to monthly updates. 

Those of you who were here at the time will probably remember, but for anyone new or who wasn't around at the time, Adventure High had some technical issues a while back that made it impossible to compile, so work was stalled on it for a bit. I switched to working on Spiral Clicker as my monthly updated game during that time. The issue has since been fixed, but to avoid confusion I decided to keep the same schedule until Spiral Clicker reached 1.0.

I am looking forward to getting back to monthly updates to Adventure High, but I’m also looking forward to finally having a large project I can call "completed" as being able to actually finish a project is a pretty huge deal for being taken seriously as a developer and it’s an aspect of development I feel like I’ve been struggling with recently. 

Once Adventure High is back to monthly updates and Spiral Clicker is on mainly content drops when a new character is finished, Mind Conquest will start receiving bi-monthly updates. For the longest time, I had not been updating Mind Conquest due to a game-breaking bug I could not track down. I recently found the source of the bug and fixed it, so I’ll be able to start assembling all the content I had collected for it soon. 

And that brings us to the last item on the list: Succuquest. The indiegogo still has a week and a half left, but judging by it's momentum, or lack thereof, it probably won't hit it's goal. This will probably slow things down for it a bit, but since the funding goal is flexible I will at least be able to afford a decent chunk of the required assets before the indiegogo funds run out and I start paying for it out of pocket. 

For now, Succuquest won't be on a regular update schedule, but I will be sure to keep everyone updated on how it's coming along. 

Anyways, thank you all so much for your support. I wouldn't be able to work on these games at all without it. I am going to keep working on improving; both in the sense of improving my games but also improving my communication skills.




Well, in general, your thoughts are clear to us. Then we will follow the development of your games and updates.