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Poll:  https://www.strawpoll.me/20312254

So, I recently started working with a marketing person to get advice on that area since I'm not very good at it. Most of it amounts to "Have you tried... Communicating better?" 

Sooo... I'm going to be trying to do that. More polls, more publicly visible posts and stuff like that. As well I should apparently always use an image in publicly visible posts so... Image. I hope that doesn't give a bias on the poll since it's from one of the games but I felt like using an image from one of my games would be better than just using a stock image. xD

Anyways, He suggested starting with finding out which of my projects y'all enjoy most. But also, feel free to comment below with any other feedback you'd like me to know. 



Kyle Hammond

Love Adventure High the most, but all of your games so far have been fantastic. Obviously haven't seen enough of Succuquest for a proper opinion, but I like the change of direction by making it a platformer


Ya, this poll is a little bit unfair to Succuquest simply because there's so little information compared to everything else. I also like Adventure High... but only some of the storylines (I'm actually neutral-dislike towards the bimbo path, so...)


Yeah, Succuquest is a bit too new to compete with the others, but I included it for completion's sake.


Would help if you included 1 best link to try each of the projects I haven't tried yet


https://hypnochanger.itch.io/ This has all of my projects in one place so you can try them out.

Nicole Barovic

I voted for Spiral Clicker, but I do like AH too, and I haven't gotten around to trying Succuquest yet.

Amethyst Espeon

Honestly, if there was a thorough wiki on how to get stuff in AH I would probably end up liking it a ton more. But spiral clicker is why I'm here in the first place sooooo


Seconding the wiki part, AH is great but it can be difficult to access content you know is there but have no idea how to get to.


I commented following on the 0.58 Update of AH "I am kinda feeling lost at the new updates. I know that there is a scene added to an route/character, but how can i know when this scene pops up and what to do for it. I am following since, I belive version 0.51 and knew every scene in it, since then I didnt really get all other scenes. I don't know if it is possible (maybe it already exitsts and I just don't know about it), but could we have a changelog which clarifies where something is implemented and maybe how to activate the scene or would that be too much work? Thank you for reading my comment, love your work."


His answer back then was following: "I am trying to work on updating the walkthrough, though I am bad at giving instructions unfortunately.". I guess we will get a better wiki article when everything in the game is done. I can kinda unterstand the problem the Changer is facing on this


I do still want to update the walkthrough when I can. I've just been way behind on writing for the game it's self, so I've been trying to focus on writing for the game more than writing for the walkthrough. There are some walkthroughs on the wiki for the game.