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Hello, everyone. Patreon is adding taxes to some features of campaigns. I'm not sure how much, or to which features but I just finished filling things out. It doesn't tell me what the numbers are either. But from the sounds of it the taxes will be added on top of pledge costs, rather than being subtracted from what I earn.  (Because that went SO WELL last time they tried doing that with card fees...)

Because of this, if you are in one of the states that has demanded patreon start charging sales tax, you may need to adjust your max pledge caps to account for the change in price so you don't get charged more than you are comfortable with. I'm not a tax expert but I can roughly estimate it can change the cost for pledging anywhere from around 0% to 10% depending on what they consider taxable about my campaign. *hopefully* very little, but again, I have no idea.

Anyways, thank you all so much for your continued support.


Nicole Barovic

Last time Patreon tried to pull this, IIRC, an exec outright admitted their goal was to push smaller and less profitable campaigns off of the site so they could focus on a few gargantuan campaign whales, which looked better to investors, and they only backed down after they got thoroughly excoriated by backers and the press alike. I wonder if they're trying to sneak it under the radar this time since we're all paying attention to other stuff?


Seems possible. There's a lot going on right now with the lockdowns, people might not be paying as much attention.

Vance Watson

subscribestar is a better platform anyway


Yeah, I've been focusing on building subscribestar instead. It's about a third of the way to where it needs to be to cover my expenses though.

Vance Watson

Got ya I'm pretty much strictly supporting creators there now. I just wish more of them knew it was an option over this place really

Lucas Tigy

they may have to tax patrons due to the differing state taxes of the purchaser? i kinda understand this more, but i still see it haveing an impact on pledge amounts


Yeah, starting in July from what I can tell. Certain states in particular are going to start charging sales tax. I do not know which states, nor do I know how much they will be charging. So... Hopefully the announcement Patreon makes on the first will clear some things up.