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I've been making steady progress on the Live Update version of the game. So far, the new features include:

- 1 scene added for Sarah and Cassandra

- ~5 scenes added for Cassandra

- Cassandra is now recruitable

- Cassandra is now enslavable (slave form sequences and library scenes are still being worked on)

- Duel with Cassandra added

If you notice any bugs, let me know either in the comments here, or in a private message and I will have them fixed as quickly as I can. 


Adventure High

If the game does not respond at first, you may need to click within the borders of the game to focus the browser on it. Basic Controls: WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon Enter: Exit Dungeon, when in bedroom open party menu. M: Mute Spacebar/NumPad0: Continue Dialogue 1,2,3/NumPad1,NumPad2,NumPad3: Select dialogue options Get Adobe Flash Player.



After you accept the duel with Cassandra, you remain in the chat screen with no options or way to continue.


Also, if you accept to to join her party, the party becomes just you and Sarah.


Sorry about that. I'm not sure what in the code caused your other party member to be kicked out of your active party. I did find a bug causing her not to appear in the party menu and fixed it. I also fixed the bug that prevented the duel from starting you mentioned in your other comment. The fixes are uploading now.


Also (forgot to mention sorry) when you go to julia for intel on cassandra it gets locked in a black chat box.


Which version of Julia are you having a problem with? I did find a bug that might have caused that with Enslaved Julia's intel and am uploading a fix for that now.


I just found a bug in the other version as well. Have that fix uploading now.