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So, I have a question for you guys, and would appreciate any answers. 

Back when I was still starting my Patreon campaign, Adventure High was still at a stage where most of the artwork involved was either simple rooms and small avatars. So, I had made it a sort of policy that new artwork for the game would not count towards paid pledges. 

More recently, however, I have reached a point where there is a fair bit of new in-game artwork that is on par in size and detail as my other drawings, with some upcoming artwork being even more detailed. For instance, I have plans to draw some artwork to go with Ms. Rack's enslavement scene as soon as I am able to. 

So, I am considering the possibility of starting to count original, full sized images related to the game as paid posts. Full sized meaning images like the breast-revealing Library scenes as opposed to character avatars, and original meaning that, for example, each of the four forms of a character that appears in the library would only count as one post, not four.

This change would not retro-actively affect any artwork that I have already completed, and also would have no affect on monthly pledge caps. It would mean that normal resolution versions of new game art of this kind would be made available to you guys immediately as opposed to only only some of it. However, I would like to hear your opinions on if this change sounds fair before suddenly doing it. If you guys could comment and let me know what you think, I would appreciate it.



I'd be okay with it.