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Live updates on Adventure High 0.59 have begun. Bit late starting on this one; my brain decided to go an unexpected direction with Kate's story, and trying to sort out how to set up the variables for the variations in the plotline took me some effort. xD 

Anyways, we're starting out with a couple new scenes for Kate. Hopefully will get a few more written in the next day or so. 


Live Updates 3

Due to the death of flash, the game is only available in EXE form currently. Basic Controls: WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon, selecting spells and targets in combat. WS/UP-Down arrows: Pan images larger than the screen Enter: Exit Dungeon, when in bedroom open party menu, fast forward in conversation.



But in order to get the first angie scene molly needs to get fiered? The only way i know how to do that is enslave her and get her to give me stuff the only other thing im thinking is i get her fiered as slave, trugger the Val wanting you to unslave people, do so with molly and then talk to angie but id still be unsure when to give her the book


Yeah, its an unintuitive path, if i remember right, you need to enslave molly, get her fired, trigger Dr. Tiff releasing slaves, and release molly. I have plans for your friendship and romance plotlines to have the potential to convince Molly to quit which would make that scene less convoluted to reach


Just seen on the update, what is sarahs makeover plot, i dont remember that one