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Live updates for Spiral Clicker 0.17 have started. I'm starting this update with adding Nichole to the game, and hopefully I will have Awake-San added later today. After that, I plan to get the next challenge in the Celestial Plain done and then work on giving some of the buildings more utility. 


Spiral Clicker Live

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how do we unlock awake tan/raine it feels like the city is far too hard to progress through, you get mybe 1k loyalty then every click is like 5billion


more pearls can help you progress. Spiral power is now tied to the level of your girls and the stronger girls give more spiral power per level. So, leveling your stronger girls can help. This update I increased the rate at which spiral power is increased by your girls. I haven't had time to tutorialize it yet though as the coding difficulties has been taking up most of my dev time.