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I have the new version of the game finished. It's not as much as I would have liked due to my computer being dead for part of the dev cycle, but it's not extremely small either thankfully. xD Took it down to the last minute adding content so if anything is broken, I will work on fixing it as quickly as I can. 

- Celestial Plain added.

- 3 Generic Angels added.

- 3 Generic Demons added.

- 2 CGs for Celestial Girls added.

- 4 scenes added for Celestial Plain.

- 9 Convos added for Larelle.

- UI improvements added to Mindbreaks.

- 9 Convos added for Clara.

- Dr. Love added to game.

- 5 CGs added for Dr. Love. 


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

Get Adobe Flash Player . Embedded with the help of embed-swf.org . Download here



in the live version after failing the first celstial minigame the game starts to autofail on me and i don't know why, it usually takes me a few tries to even figure out what to dobut here the minigame ends in failure within a split second of starting it so i got no clue on whats wrong


The version number is outdated, still v15


I often forget to do that, will get it fixed next time I upload a patch.


Any advice on how to interact with the first celestial challenge? Nothing I do seems to have any effect :-/


One side or the other grows weaker depending on whether you are taking down more angels or demons in the conquest. You might also need more pearls if you have the balance pushed all the way to one side and still can't proceed. I balanced it around my clicking speed (which is relatively slow) at 750 pearls.

Graeme Cracker

Had something weird happen: I tried a new save, broke Erika, then got the 'just conquered the Elf Queen' sequence instead of the second part of the tutorial message, got to Heidal's screen, viewed Heidal's first convo, then went back to my list of girls, to find Heidal absent but Erika there!


That is very strange, I will look into why that might have happened

Shaun Holmes

Getting fed up of not being able to download on Blogspot as it says page not found. Just stick downloads on here or mega. As this is third update i can not download. No other download site i use has that issue.


does it say page not found for the link to the page it's self, or the download link? I just now tested it and it downloads normally. Also, have you tried a different browser?

Shaun Holmes

Says page not found. Used Goggle and edge. Both no issues with downloads with other sites. Might be country related as i had issues with Adbode Flash player due to being in UK and it was USA.


Attached the exe to this post. apparently patreon has a 200mb cap though so I won't be able to do that once the game exceeds that filesize.


Ah, I'm not sure what to suggest for if it is for some reason blocked in the UK. I'm not sure why it would be.

Shaun Holmes

Roger. Thanks for help. will see if it my IP blocker surfshark that causing issue. Found issue, Was Surfshark. so if you have things like Shurfshark, Express VPN turn them off and download.


Ah, glad you found the solution at least. weird that my blog is being blocked by surfshark. xD

Shaun Holmes

XD Think it all of Blogspot that blocked, as no issue with others. Ty for help and posting download link Charger. As now i can catch up on game again. At least it solved and you can post it, if cant download turn off Ip blockers and try. :P


yeah, I will keep that in mind to advise people if anyone else reports a similar problem.

Shaun Holmes

Ty for help again Charger. Now i know as well with downloads if fails try again with no ip and ad blocker. :)


How to access this Celestial plane?


Same thing happened to me, but apparently not everyone. The conquered Elf Queen sequence also played out for the next 4 or 5 Mind Breaks on Erika after the first one. I stopped after that many because it's fairly distracting. Let us know if you figure it out?


I had uploaded a fix for it a little bit ago, when did you last download?

Anon Girl

This update is awesome! Although this line of text seems to be glitched: https://imgur.com/0bSNh3e


Bugs: In Clara's conversation: - Second image (celebrating graduation) does not appear, instead showing the library image - In the end, when talking to Katherine, they are in the music studio, for some reason? It's weird. In Larelle's: - The dancing image appears before the purple lace image, so probably their order should be changed in the small sequencial list of images. Also the order of the clothing should be changed accordingly, I guess.