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Here's the patron release for Spiral Clicker 0.15. Here's what's new in this version. 

- 6 convos added for Nanshe.

- Auditorium management added.

- 3 scenes added to Auditorium Management.

- Library can be upgraded to lvl 5.

- Spiral Upgrade replaced with spiral power increasing based on level of girls.

- Tasha added to game.

- 5 CGs added for Tasha.

- 1 Convo added for Tasha.

- Helen can now help multiple times during mindbreaks, but deals less damage.

- Mindbreaks spread to every 50th level after lvl 200, and every 100th level after lvl 1000.

- Beth added to game.

- 1 Convo added for Beth.

- 5 CGs added for Beth.

- Jill added to game.

- 5 CGs added for Jill.

- 1 Convo added for Jill.

- Xyren Added to game.

- 9 convos added for Xyren.

- 5 CGs added for Xyren.

- Gemna Added to game.

- 1 convo added for Gemna.

- 5 CGs added for Gemna. 


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

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Nice update, i liked the amount and all the new stuff, good work. Some small problems I noticed: In Nanshes Convos with Helen (after the second CG), Helens Character is is bit too big and overlaps with the textbox below (Helen is above the textbox making some of the text harder to read, though its not much). Also in Xyrens last Convo before her fifth CG Convo, there is some text overlapping with each over. Other than that i did not notice any problems. Was a really nice update, thanks. Edit: I have one question though concerning "storyline logic": Why does Jill come before Tasha in City Conquest, when you see the "Good Girls Club" in Jills third CG, even when its opened during Tashas Conquest?


the dean of the campus is locked out I have the required control over the school in the minigame to control the random students but the head campus you collect her from wont let me collect her. do you have to do the chat bubbles in order meaning you have to reset your progress and earn the pearls before she becomes available???


Aiko has some Y offset issues. https://imgur.com/a/Ngp1UjV


More info on Xyren's bugs: - Xyren has overlap words when she says "XXXX a number of women around here walk around" (by the end, she's already naked, with the university background). - Also her text goes beyond the right border in the following convos.


With the new auditorium update, it renders certain campus scenes inaccessible due to the auditorium screen overriding the scene there. I like the idea of the auditorium, and I'm looking forward to seeing more building upgrade mechanics.


when did you download the latest version? I've added a couple changes to fix that issue.


kk, if it's still not working let me know and I can try again at fixing it.


That fixed it. Thank you! I'll try to get set up on Subscribestar sometime this week.

Sergei Kotlar


Sergei Kotlar

There is no escape from this screen. Must close the game and reopen to continue


Sorry, I will try to get that fixed. Does it happen when you are set to male, female, or set to choose one?


Looks like it is already fixed; you might need to re-download it to get the fix.


there seems to be an issue with DH, i'm in browser and her countdown timer is set at -994 and i dont gain willpower from her. lol


seems to have fixed itself after i leveled her up a bunch

Shaun Holmes

Wow go to download and it says cant reach this page.


My pc is in the shop for repairs so I don't know if that is affecting Dropbox or not. I will be able to check as soon as I get my pc back.