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Got this one from Xvein for a new character, Beth, who will be the police chief in Spiral Clicker. 



Jeff Grey

Taking "fuck the police" literally?

Wild Bill

She's pretty. Maybe if Spiral Clicker didn't keep erasing my save data and forcing me to start again, I might get to meet her. :(


if you are playing in browser you have to make sure that your browser does not auto delete cache stuff and so on

Wild Bill

It doesn't. I know how to set up my browser and nothing else has this problem, just Spiral Clicker. Several times now my computer has crashed with the tab open, and when I next load it I have to restart. I'm going to start backing up my save manually, in case it happens again.


If you are in firefox, firefox sandboxed flash, which stops the game's saves from being kept regardless of your settings. You have to go into firefox's settings and turn off the sandboxing.

Wild Bill

Chromium. And it saves everything fine when I close the tab, it's when it crashes it wipes everything.


ah, it might be that your browser does something when crashing that causes the save to be deleted. I'm not sure what to suggest beyond perhaps trying the downloadable version.

Wild Bill

I use the downloadable swf version, the exe version is for windows and doesn't work as well (no scaling). If I keep backing up the save data I should be OK from now on, it's just annoying to have had to start from scratch so many times already.