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Here's the patron release for Spiral Clicker 0.12. Here's what's new in this version of the game:

- 3 scenes for Heidal added.

- 2 scenes for Cassie added.

- 10 scenes for Kathrine added.

- 3 scenes added to Elf Kingdom.

- 1 CG added to Elf Kingdom.

- Heidal added.

- 5 CGs for Heidal added.

- 1CG for Kathrine added

- 1 CG for Joyce added.


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

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I hope someday I can play this game in smartphone..


Small Typo in Kathrines dialogue for the third CG: "...I can be so clumbsy...", should be clumsy, shouldn´t it? Otherwise the upgrade button for Heidal in the Campus/Harem screen is missing (the one in her profile is there). Also for some reason the display for Leenas Level and cost is glitched and unreadeable when using the upgrade button in the harem screen (the one in her profile is fine). But it works properly, so its just the display of the numbers being weird. From the looks of it, it seems as if the text for Leenas Upgrade Button and Heidals Upgrade Button is overlaying there, maybe its linked to heidals missing upgrade button. Otherwise its a fine update, thank you for the work.


Could we have a place (in Patreon for instance) to see the list of names and the corresponding faces? It's tough to know when you say e.g. "Joyce", who is Joyce from the long list of characters, to see the new content... Thanks!


Bug: in the general view, the spiral icon that should be when hovering over Heidal image (on top of the "profile" icon) is not in its place, and instead overlaps with Leena's (on her left)


I do tag all the characters in their art. so, if you click the Joyce tag from the list of tags on the patreon, it will show you all the art featuring her, for example.


yeah, I do plan to port it to android when I have the mechanics stable.


The cost for getting characters back to levels they previously had should not scale (much) faster than it did before the levels reset. Also, the Quadrillions still seems to glitch out into the negative numbers sometimes. It doesn't happen often, mind...


I am still working on the balance; I did find that there was a difference between how rapidly 1x scales vs 25x, and made some tweaks for that. I am still trying to figure out why quadrillions sometimes glitch. Seems a lot of people tend to notice it happen, but don't recall what caused it.


well for me it gliched after restarting, when I had a lot of WP. After the restart the WP was glitching quite badly: negative and or jumping between positive and negative and the display of positve numbers still did not allow the buying of new upgrades. The bug seemingly disappeared after antoehr 2 resets. Though then the scaling of lvls and WP creation was totally bugged. Another reset and now it works normally.(all are soft resets)