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Spiral Clicker 0.11 is finished. So, here's the patron release for it. It's a bit small of an update, as I lost quite a bit of working time to moving, and the math needed to get the overflow issue fixed was more complicated than it needed to be, but I did try to get as much in as I could. 

- Naomi added.

- 5 CGs for Naomi added.

- Code reworked to prevent overflow in the quadrillions of willpower.

- 2 scenes for City Conquest Plot added.

- 2 CGs added for generic girls.

- City Conquest added.

- 6 generic girls added to City.

- Duel with Blue elf added.

- 3 scenes with Blue elf added. 


Spiral Clicker Patron Beta

Get Adobe Flash Player . Embedded with the help of embed-swf.org . Download here



could you PLEASE add a link to the download?


the download link should be directly below the embedded game, which includes both the exe version and flash version bundled together.


the 2nd town scene are on auto repeat and as such soft locks the game


Naomi first CG is showing the city conquest scene, and the third CG, when clicked on, shows the second CG


When trying to change Naomis clothes to her second Appearence, somehow her Appearence with her third clothes was shown for both her second and third Appereances. So her second Apperances with the grey jersey was not shown and replaced with her third Appearence.


Overflow seems to of gotten worse actually. Whenever I reach 9000-ish quadrillion it resets to a few hundred


So I actually encoutered two major problems after the new release (sorry for the wall of text): First I experienced an overflow glitch. I had around 2.5 QT willpower and was trying to level in the library, but for some reason the Willpower shown in the library Menu was way lower than what i had. When i was trying to buy a Spiral Power upgrade, which was too expensive, i could buy it, but i suddenly had negative willpower. Afterwards i tried to fix it with Helens reset and later deleting the Savestate (with the ingame option), but the cost for leveling and upgrading were way too high (i.e. upgrading spiral power to lv. 2 needed 99Q willpower). I was able to fix it by deleting the local saves. The other problem which is probably more critical appeared afterwards: When playing in the new safe (after deleting the local save, so i am sure its not connected to the overflow glitch anymore) somehow Sally and Kathrine needed 0 Wllpower to level-up (disregarding the level they had). It was fixed after resetting, but after buying Upgrades in the shop with pearls (this was the trigger) and continuing leveling (with the +25) the cost suddenly sprang up way too high (for example Erika on lv. 120 needing over150M willpower for a 25-Tier upgrade). If that just happened to me, then its my bad luck, but if it also hit others it would be bad, since it makes the game practially impossible to play for beginners and people trying to farm pearls.


Is it going to a few hundred quadrillion, with just a Q, or does it go to QT which stands for quintillion?


I have had the same 2 issues. My willpower constantly bounces all over the place after upgrading too many times on the spiral. It goes from a positive number in the QT range to an negative number in the QT range. I tried to reset as well (before seeing the above post) and now my spiral and mouse are at zero and need like 25 QT to get to level 1.


I tried to do the in game delete save option used above and there was only one option. It started me all the way over at zero for everything. On the plus side this fixed the cost issue for upgrading the mouse and spiral. On the negative side I had 2 characters at 15000 and the rest all at 10500, with over 13000 Pearl's. Anyway to undo what I did?


No probably not, considering the safe was deleted (for both of us), so we will need to redo it all again. I also had a quite completed safestate with 15000 pearls, all the girls and all the achievements. But its probably still better than playing a glitched save and then geting serious problemes later on though. Maybe as an admin for the game it would have been possible or after downlaoding the game and copying the data for the save in a seperate folder before the reset (though that savestat would still have the glitch). But if the same happened to you, were you able to properly play the game afterwards (from the beginning)? Or did you also experince the glitch where Sally und Kathrine needed 0 Willpower to upgrade, but after the first reset and buying Shop upgrade with Pearls you needed massive amounts of willpower to level the girls and practically could not progress the game anymore?


well, for the sake of testing these large numbers and fixing the issues, I added a cheat code to get quadrillions of willpower. So, if you hold down W, then P, then press N, you get instant 5 quadrillion willpower. That should help you unlock all the characters more quickly again.


They did require what seemed like a normal amount of willpower and after buying the first upgrade they didnt spike to anything crazy.


I tried the w p n thing and nothing happened. Do I need to redownload it?


Yeah, there is a lot of stuff in the new code that is working strangely. I have been working on fixes all day. xD Hopefully I can have it stable by tonight...


The code may not be finished uploading; maybe give it a few minutes and try again?


I dont know the first thing about writing code, I'm sure theres alot to figure out. I'll wait til tomorrow to try again. Good luck.


Yeah, normally I would have the code figured out in time for the patron release, but the code to expand how high the numbers can go was more difficult than I expected, and I couldn't undo it after starting.


Well, thank you very much for the work, Changer.


It fluctuates from a few hundred Q to around 9000Q. Never seen QT at the end before


I found an issue, which was causing the quintillions to display the wrong number; I uploaded a temporary fix that just removes the sub-quintillion number from being combined with the quintillions when you hit that point until I can figure it out.


The code still isn't working and the cost to upgrade the girls is really really high. Sally is at 159 and needs 8.4 billion to get her to the next level.


Yeah, I had to rewrite how the cost works for upgrades to be multiplicative rather than directly multiplied off of the unlock level, to avoid the cost overflowing before it had a chance to be converted into the quadrillions version of the variable, and I may have made the math wrong. I will adjust the new cost formula. Is the cost going up faster than anticipated the only issue? Or is it still overflowing?

Joseph Conlin

How do you beat the blue elf? I've clicked everywhere on the screen but nothing helps.

Aaron Smale

Is there any way to up the "Click Helens face" count? I wanna try the whole elf kingdom thing but the fact Helens face only seems to appear once per hypno is kind of putting a drag on it. :/


the problem I was trying to solve was that somewhere in the upper quadrillions range, the variable would roll over into a negative number. Which is called overflowing.


i've been meaning to make her appear multiple times in campus conquest, but I hadn't had a chance to mess with that code yet.


Oh, I see now. I havent seen it do that since my initial comment. I haven't gotten it into the quadrillions again yet though.