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Got this one from Chien for the first of the set of CGs with the generic city girls in Spiral Clicker. 




Cant wait. Can we expect the next update to add the end of the elf kingdom?


I am going to be trying my best to conclude the elf kingdom in this update. I only have a couple days left though, so I'm not fully confident on that. Trying to solve a complex math problem at the moment before I start tonight's dev stream.

Wild Bill

Was that complex problem related to the game? Did you get it figured out?


yeah, it was related to the game, and it took a while but I think it's solved as of about a week ago or so.


Basically, I had to fix an overflow problem where willpower would flip into the negatives when going into the high quadrillions. so, I had to make up some code to add a new variable which represents "quadrillions of willpower", and have all the math in the game treat the two variables as two halfs of a single variable.

Wild Bill

I see, integer overflow issues. I'm guessing you don't have any arbitrary precision libraries available in flash, and rolling your own could be complicated, yes. Couldn't you just use a float though? Even a single precision float can support up to 300 sextillion, and it's not like you need perfect accuracy.


Stencyl is weird with it's variables. It's integers overflow in the low billions, and floats overflow in the quadrillions. And unfortunately I can't use types of variables aside from the ones used in the engine or the save system wouldn't work right.