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Live updates have begun for Spiral Clicker 0.11. To start off with, I have the duel with Blue implemented and a few scenes with her. 


Spiral Clicker Live

Get Adobe Flash Player . Embedded with the help of embed-swf.org . Download here 8/4/19 updates: - Du...



Is there a cap on pearls now? I can get more still but I think it gets reset to 1000 after the Blue fight


Sorry, i must have left test code in. I will fix it as soon as my internet is working on my pc


the button to strat the city conquest dosnt work (The one that brings up the generic girls)


Sort of a Naomi bug report here! She seems pretty unstable in my game. Her first CG icon shows the generic City Girls CG1 (in Naomi's window and when I click it). Her third CG shows the right icon, but brings up the virgin killer sweater CG if I click it. I cannot switch to her virgin killer sweater costume. Trying to select it just shows her in the green sports bra costume, but slightly shifted to the right. Not too worried about it, but figured I'd let you know!


i have a weird bug i already had Elkantar but now i don't have her, so i was looking at the summon and it seem like i can summon her again but everytime i leave her page she disappear without being able to lvl up and i have to summon her again if i want to see her again.


that is very odd, it sounds like her level is stuck at zero? I am not sure what would be causing that. You might try resetting for pearls and resummoning her and seeing if that helps.


The cost of levels scales faster the more you reset the levels, which is aggravating. Naomi doesn't reset at all, and the girl that winds up before her (in my case, Larelle) doesn't have their cost reset when their level does.