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So, a voice actor approached me with an interest in giving Helen a voice. I imagine that would probably be nice for her inductions, allowing the player to just listen instead of needing to read every line. This would be able to be toggled on and off if you don't want to hear her voice. 

For the sake of budget though, I do need to figure out how much dialogue I can afford to commission a month. Part of that will be deciding if a voiced scene would count as an out of pocket cost or a patron supported item. (For example, the User Interface is out of pocket, while character art is patron supported)  

If I can make voice acting a paid post, it would mean that I could afford a lot more than if I needed to pay out of pocket, as it is fairly expensive. 

So, since I had not established which it would fall into before, I figured I would make a poll and see what you guys think. Are you okay with paid posts related to voice acting (which would be in full scene sets, not individual lines) or would you consider it more like UI stuff and not be worth a paid post?

I imagine it's not a huge thing, because you can still set a max pledge amount so you don't get charged more than you are comfortable with, but I like to try to be as upfront as possible with everything I'm doing. 


Joseph Conlin

I'm not a huge fan of voice acting for these types of games in general, just my 2¢


Yeah, it would mostly be in the inductions and would be able to be toggled off. I don't think I could remotely afford to voice the entire game. xD


Not my cup of tea either.


yeah, I will be sure to have it be an option you can opt out of if you don't want to hear her.


It's a free game and I don't see a need to be picky about what costs go into what parts of development, it's all development. If you think it's a good opportunity better the game, go for it! That being said, I appreciate a toggle. No disrespect to the voice actor, but lines in these kinds of games can be really hard to make flow naturally, good luck though!


Fully support, I do think it would be difficult to get the acting right but being approached for the role is promising!


While I support the idea of a VA I don't think it should be done until the game is full completed and all bugs ironed out I can see it occurring where your on another character and then helens voice randomly starts playing xd


I just have to say if you do add voices, can you please add them for all characters? It's pretty annoying to play a game where one character speaks, and the others just scroll text... IMHO


i'm probably going to keep it to the hypnosis scenes; having the entire game voice acted would be impossible due to how many cameos there are. It would be way too difficult to coordinate with everyone what their characters should sound like.