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So, the poll earlier was fairly strongly in favor of it being okay to start the kickstarter campaign to add the new event, so I set it up. The idea is expanding a fair bit from what Alice originally thought of, because I always seem to end up having ideas balloon into bigger ideas. xD

The idea is going to be a new area to be added, which will include a beach, a version of campus conquest filled with beach-goers, and possibly a new character or two. Probably a lifeguard being one of them. 

As a reassurance for some of you who had concerns though, as from the comments I apparently wasn't clear. You don't need to support the kickstarter if you are already supporting me here in order to get the rewards. I will be delivering rewards both here and there to the appropriate tiers, and I'll do polls both on there and on here and combine the results to determine which characters are included in the new event. 

If you guys want to share the link around, that would be appreciated. I do want to be able to do this event. 


Spiral Clicker: Summer fun!

Changer is raising funds for Spiral Clicker: Summer fun! on Kickstarter! I am aiming to add a special event including new CGs, and costumes to my free game, Spiral Clicker.


Graeme Cracker

Good luck! I'd contribute, but my donations are budgeted.

Shaun Holmes

If it going to take time. Then why dont you release 4 as you planned. and over next year fully release the others by next summer. As art does take time and it would be a year project that would be completed by next summer. As then you ant rushing to finish it in a short time. Just a idea. Will donate what i can to help.


no worries, I don't expect people to pledge everywhere at once. xD


part of what makes it take time is that I can only afford to commission so much art a month. The kickstarter is for getting the funds to do the event without slowing down normal updates.


yeah, I usually spend around half of what I make on art, 20% (ish, it varies year by year...) on taxes, and about 30% on my own necessities like rent and food each month.


I am pretty sure ks has a no adult content policy. Enforcement is as consistent as any platform, but I've seen projects get zapped when their characters are fully clothed but the themes are too suggestive. So it's not a hypno thing. Best of luck but don't be surprised.


Yeah, it's kind of weird how they handle that; sometimes they hit a thing that isn't that bad, other times they let something brazenly pornographic go untouched.

Shaun Holmes

That's why i try and support new game makers. As the art cost as much as taxes. Living expenses are needed as well.